corporate wellness consulting services:

THRIVE CULTURE: Third Eye Integration provides professional organizational wellness consulting services for businesses nationwide. Establish a thriving culture of motivation, creativity, balance, and happiness for employees. This results in retention, employee engagement and increased focus and productivity. We want your organization to thrive with healthy, balanced and focused employees in an optimal working environment. Your business depends on your employees. Let's help them be the best they can be.

EVALUATION: We will provide a full evaluation of your office, department or group to assess your Thrive Culture. We have found that employees working in thriving companies take less sick days, and have significantly less worry, stress, sadness, depression and anger. They have a healthy mindset and more hope, energy, and interest in going to work.

DEVELOPMENT: We provide interactive comprehensive and specific services to help you develop an engaging and thriving work environment that promotes positive mental health and wellbeing.

WORKSHOPS: We offer trainings and workshops to employees on healthy communication in the workplace, forming and maintaining healthy relationships, work/life balance, stress management, increasing focus and more.

MENTAL HEALTH AND WELLNESS SERVICES: We offer both in-person and virtual mental health and wellness services for ongoing employee wellness. We have licensed therapists and certified practitioners trained in multiple modalities to keep your workforce mentally and physically well.

FREE 30 Minute Consultation!

Call or text 623-986-3987 to make an appointment to discuss how we can help your business THRIVE! Services are available in-person or virtually. We are fully equipped for communication in Microsoft Teams, Zoom and our secure mental health server. Our prices are $250 per hour, with discount packages available for ongoing services.