Third Eye Integration, Organizational Behavioral Change Consulting

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Engagement in the Workplace!

Optimistic, team oriented and passionate employees seems to be what every company wants. Most employees are hopeful and engaging when they get hired, but then the situation can turn. What can be done?

When there is a supportive environment for employees, they are more likely to be engaged in their work. When we talk about the bottom line of a company, we can look at performance levels, workload, and training and development. But it won’t matter much without looking at what makes people motivated to go to work each day.

Every workplace interaction, every personal situation and every stressor can affect an employee’s mood, stress level and eventually performance. Things to think about: Does your company’s performance goals align with your current workplace strategies, leadership, expectations, and retention models? What programs are in place to bring camaraderie and wellness? Do you know what motivates employees? Read this article on employee engagement from SHRM, to learn more.

Tip: Sometimes we just have to go to work, even if it is not optimal. If you do not have support at your workplace, do your best to make it a peaceful environment for yourself. Stay away from negative conversations. Try not to take things personally. Decorate your cubicle or work area to make it more pleasant. Listen to relaxing music. Stand and stretch. Take breaks. Use mindfulness practices. Most of all, Contact us to put a good Employee Empowerment Program in place at your business.

Hope this is helpful! Want more? We can provide workplace analysis services at your workplace. Find out where you stand. Contact us to schedule!

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