I have written about Authenticity these last few days. But it is so easy to get lost in the day-to-day. Although Authenticity is quite possible, the Self as “Being” may continue to remain in the absorption of this world. It is a condition of our humanness. The world (our world, and our roles in it) is more familiar after all, and in a sense, comforting. When the Self is with one another in the world, the Self can get absorbed in the world or it can dissolve itself into others.
Because the Self is “lost” by absorption, it must first find itself. This can be realized with intention. Through this intention, the Self discloses itself to its own Authentic Being, which is an act of clearing a way for the Authentic potentiality for Being. When it occurs, it is not verified, but rather it is experienced.
Intentions are often the first thing that happens in a meditation. Here you can set the intention, be in silence or in vibration, and see what comes up.
Photo obtained from: https://www.babysleepmadesimple.com/are-loveys-dangerous-6-month-old-baby