A Sense of Belonging

A sense of belonging is one of our biggest human needs. As social beings, we are driven to want acceptance and connection. Having a safe place where we can gather and fully express ourselves is very important. Research in environmental psychology shows that having a strong sense of community can improve our wellbeing, and enhance our feelings of safety and security. It can also be an avenue for self-expression and give us some thing for which we can look forward. It provides us a sense of support and purpose. Read this blog by the National Alliance on Mental Illness to learn more.

Third Eye Integration hosts community outreach events several times a month to hold this space. We play music together, garden together, meditate together and have other self-exploration activities to help develop a strong sense of community, connection and belonging.

Tip: Take some time to look at what is happening in your community. You can look at Eventbrite, Facebook events, Meetup.com or other local event publications. You can also just go to our event page to see what is happening. All of our events are mental health and wellness focused. Watch what we do every full moon!

Hope this is helpful! Want more? We can provide regular activities right at your workplace that help create a sense of belonging and connection between co-workers. Contact us to schedule!

Photo credit, unknown

Water Shepherd