Remove the Barriers to Your Goals!

Did you make your New Year’s Resolutions? Yikes. I just read an article that says 43% of people who make resolutions fail to keep them by February! The article has some good tips in changing that outcome, and here at Third Eye Integration, we are offering one more that may be even more effective: Discover and remove all the barriers that prevent you from reaching your goals.

Often what gets in the way are mental blocks. Mental blocks come in many forms and most commonly those forms are justifications, faulty beliefs, and excuses. Once we explore ourselves to find the barriers, we can name them. When we name them, we can recognize them when they creep up into our mind and then we can make decisions to remove them.

For example, let’s say you want to lose weight this year. You sign up for a gym, you change your diet, and by the end of the month, you have completely forgotten about it, but you keep saying you want to lose weight. What is the barrier? Are there justifications (just a little bite)? Is there a faulty belief (I secretly know it is not going to happen)? Are there excuses (I am too tired to go to the gym)?

If you actually want to make changes for yourself, you have to rearrange your life to make it happen. What is the mental block that is preventing you from doing this? Only you can explore yourself and get to the root of it. And I encourage you to do just that.

Tip: Get yourself in a quiet place and breathe. Ask yourself what really has blocked you into reaching your goals. Name the blockages and look at them. Ask yourself if the goals you have set are really what you want! Be honest with yourself. Because if you really want to make your goals, you have to take all the steps to remove the barriers first. You can’t drive down the street when there is a tree in the road!

Hope this is helpful! Want more? We can come to your workplace to provide goal setting workshops. Contact us to schedule!

Water Shepherd