Stripping Away

I admit that the stripping away of identities can be an arduous and painful process, but a process nonetheless that transcends and transforms. 

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Water Shepherd

Intentions are often the first thing that happens in a meditation.  Here you can set the intention, be in silence or in vibration, and see what comes up. 

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Water Shepherd
Unlimited Potentiality

 As separate from others, “I” is evaluative, and relates subject to object.  As such, this dualism - the structure of the “I” that says “I am,” is the both the ontic structure that negotiates with the world and the ontological structure that provides the possibility for those negotiations. 

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Water Shepherd
Existence as Essence

  The“self” encounters all that is external, and through this encounter, the self is influenced or pressured.  Stripping away the layers of roles that we create can help us find our true selves, our Sat Nam.  As Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj has written in “I am That,” we must find out who we are by discovering who we are not. 

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It is really fascinating how the fractals of life unfold.  All we experience – what we label as the good, or the bad…all leads us to this very moment.  My website lists my “credentials,” but they were just stones along the path that brought me to Third Eye Integration.  My biggest “accomplishment” back then and now still is, simply showing up.  And sometimes, showing up means just getting out of bed in the morning if that is all I can do in that moment. 

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