The great teacher Pema Chödrön has said, “If someone comes along and shoots an arrow into your heart, it’s fruitless to stand there and yell at the person. It would be much better to turn your attention to the fact that there is an arrow in your heart.”
Read MoreYou may have heard the line from Lao Tzu, “Watch your thoughts, they become your words…..” However did you know that your words also affect your thoughts? In the book, Language, Thought, and Reality: Selected Writings of Benjamin Lee Whorf, he writes, "the structure of a human being's language influences the manner in which he understands reality and behaves with respect to it." Our perceptions of our world are mostly influenced by our word choices. And we all know our perceptions are our reality.
Read MoreTip: Get yourself in a quiet place and breathe. Feel the space around you. Know that Universe is abundant and therefore it has everything you need and you are part of this Universal space. Sometimes people are not right to us, but when we let go of what we cannot control, we can come back to ourselves, comfort ourselves through it, and trust the process of life as it is.
Read MoreOften what gets in the way are mental blocks. Mental blocks come in many forms and most commonly those forms are justifications, faulty beliefs, and excuses. Once we explore ourselves to find the barriers, we can name them. When we name them, we can recognize them when they creep up into our mind and then we can make decisions to remove them.
Read MoreEach year, we get to write a whole new story in a book full of blank pages. I hope when you write your story, you will be raw and vulnerable. I hope you will write without fear and without holding back. I hope you will write with the awe and wonder of a child and the power and fortitude of an athlete. When you write, I hope you know that you ARE the author of this story. So what will you write?
Read MoreHolidays can be a lot of fun for many people. Gifts and gatherings can be great. However, when we are going through a hard time, it can make this time of year seem overwhelming. If you are going through something like grief, a broken heart, financial problems, or if you don’t have family around you (or maybe you do, but is not the healthiest of situations), it can be very stressful. And, expectations can make it even more so. There could be a lot of pressure to have a “merry Christmas” or a “happy holiday” when we are just not feeling good! Check out what this psychology article has to say about holiday stress.
Read MoreWe can get really stuck in overanalyzing when we are trying to make decisions. Often people turn to the Internet for answers. The problem is that if things are said and then repeated, it becomes familiar to us and then the familiarity can give an illusion that it is true. With each exposure to a piece of information, we process it more easily and we learn to accept it. However, we still can make the wrong decisions. Just because things work for others, or others say it is the way, we always have to check in with our own body and trust our gut.
Read MoreWe have so much coming at us. From Tik Tok, to Facebook to Instagram, to Emails (multiple accounts!), to phones, to jobs, to kids…so many distractions! Our culture has a “hustle” mindset, that demands production. In this world, there is little time for leisure and self reflection. Even in our “down time,” we are researching the latest videos and putting more things in the mind to think about. Speaking about videos, have you seen How Busy Are You?
Read MoreWhen there is a supportive environment for employees, they are more likely to be engaged in their work. When we talk about the bottom line of a company, we can look at performance levels, workload, and training and development. But it won’t matter much without looking at what makes people motivated to go to work each day.
Read MoreGratitude does not necessarily mean that you will be happy. But, it does certainly increase your appreciation for life. It brings balance to those parts of the self that have cultivated our attachment to our suffering, which causes us to feel victimized by life.
Read MoreWe cannot un-see or un-hear anything. Whatever we expose ourselves to goes directly into our minds. Remember that old saying, “Garbage in, garbage out!”? All the news, all the social media and political discord we expose ourselves to becomes part of our thought processes. If we label negativity as “garbage,” how much garbage are we wanting as a daily input into our minds? Does the garbage affect your mood?
Read MoreA sense of belonging is one of our biggest human needs. As social beings, we are driven to want acceptance and connection. Having a safe place where we can gather and fully express ourselves is very important. Research in environmental psychology shows that having a strong sense of community can improve our wellbeing, and enhance our feelings of safety and security. It can also be an avenue for self-expression and give us some thing for which we can look forward. It provides us a sense of support and purpose. Read this blog by the National Alliance on Mental Illness to learn more.
Read MoreHaving a connection to our ancestors is also a way to promote mental health! It can keep us grounded and connected to where we came from. Even if there was historical trauma in your family, there was also historical survival, or you wouldn’t be here. When we connect to this, we really have a sense of gratitude for those who came before.
Read MoreHave you looked around your office lately to see everyone’s posture as they stare at their screen? It’s often shocking. Our necks are bent unnaturally forward when we look down at our devices or stare at a computer screen. The weight of our head is heavy and it strains the muscles in our upper back. When this occurs for a long time, it can cause a multitude of aches and pains. Maybe you have even noticed an ache in your own upper back or neck after a long day’s work.
Read MoreEveryone who has ever existed has gone through something hard. Some of us have suffered more than others. But we have also survived, and we have to remember that. This ability to bounce back is an innate human capacity that we all have and we can deepen these skills. We do it. If you are still here on this planet, you have done it before, and you can do it again. All people have the ability to develop the skills that will deepen their path to resilience.
Read MoreOur vagus nerve, the main nerve that goes from the brain past the neck, chest and abdomen is activated by vibration and it stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system. The result is calmness. According to studies in biotechnology, vocal toning can emit feelings such as “meditative," "calm," and "relaxed” in a person.
Read MoreWorking at a desk all day? How is that wrist feeling? According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), “Carpal Tunnel surgery is the second most common type of surgery, with well over 230,000 procedures performed annually. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is considered the "chief occupational hazard of the 90's" - disabling workers in epidemic proportions.”
Read MoreLemme tell ya….sometimes the thoughts can take over! Have you ever had your body somewhere, but your head was in another location? I mean….it is like we are not even there with ourselves! Maybe you were off in a far away land, wishing you were doing something else, or maybe you were reviewing a past conversation or scenario or fantasying about the future. Maybe you were just really disconnected from where you actually are because of all the thoughts in your head. This can lead us to feel unstable or out of balance. The fastest most easiest way to get out of our heads is to get into our bodies!
Read MoreMany of us who work hard seem to use driving time as a way to catch up on calls. However, it only takes a second of distraction for a tragedy. In 2020 and the increase of the world’s anxiety, U.S. traffic deaths rose 7.2% to 38,680. In the first six months of 2021, they surged by a whopping 18.4% compared to the first half of 2020. Driving can be dangerous!
Read MoreSometimes life can be super challenging! Just the other day we had some bad storm damage at our event space. A tree hit our new roof, our fence fell down and the poles that held our shade sails were destroyed. We worked so hard to make a nice event space and the damage was intense! As we were trimming up the damaged trees, we found a bird nest that was completely destroyed, but the baby bird was still alive up in the tree. It gave us a little joy and hope. Sometimes when life gets discouraging, little finds like this can bring us back to being grateful. And when we are grateful, we are more happy and peaceful inside and less focused on the problems.
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